(a) It is mutually expected that the activities under this contract will not involve classified information. It is understood, however, that if in the opinion of either party, this expectation changes prior to the expiration or terminating of all activities under this contract, said party shall notify the other party accordingly in writing without delay. In any event, the contractor shall classify, safeguard, and otherwise act with respect to all classified information in accordance with applicable law and the requirements of DOE, and shall promptly inform DOE in writing if and when classified information becomes involved, or in the mutual judgment of the parties it appears likely that classified information or material may become involved. The contractor shall have the right to terminate performance of the work under this contract and in such event the provisions of this contract respecting termination for the convenience of the Government shall apply.
(b) The contractor shall not permit any individual to have access to classified information except in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act 1954, as amended, Executive Order 12356, and DOE’s regulations or requirements.
(c) The term “Restricted Data” as used in this article means all data concerning the design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons, the production of special nuclear material or the use of special nuclear material in the production of energy, but shall not include data declassified or removed from the Restricted Data category pursuant to section 142 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.