(a) “Contractor” means “the Offeror” as specified in Block 15A of Standard Form 33, Section A entitled “Solicitation, Offer and Award” of the contract.
(b) The term “DOE” means the Department of Energy, “NNSA” means the National Nuclear Security Administration.
(c) The term “DOE Directive” means DOE Policies, Orders, Notices, Manuals, Regulations, Technical Standards and related documents, and Guides, including for purposes of this contract those portions of DOE’s Accounting and Procedures Handbook applicable to integrated Contractors, issued by DOE. The term does not include temporary written instructions by the Contracting Officer for the purpose of addressing short-term or urgent DOE concerns relating to health, safety, or the environment.
(d) “Head of Agency” means: (i) The Secretary; (ii) Deputy Secretary; (iii) Under Secretaries of the Department of Energy; and (iv) the Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
(e) “Head of Contracting Activity” for the Office of Science means the Deputy Director for Operations.
(f) “Laboratory” means the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) composed of Government-owned buildings and facilities together with the necessary utilities, now existing or hereafter to be acquired, constructed and equipped, most of which are or will be situated on a plot or plots of land in Batavia, Kane, and DuPage Counties, Illinois and in Lead, South Dakota.
(g) The term “someone acting as the Laboratory Director” means the person appointed as Laboratory Director; Deputy Laboratory Director(s) acting in the absence of the Laboratory Director; or a person specified, in writing, to have authority to act in the absence of the Laboratory Director and Deputy Laboratory Director(s).
(h) The term “non-profit organization” means:
(1) a university or other institution of higher education,
(2) an organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) and the Internal Revenue Code,
(3) any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified as a nonprofit by the laws of the State of its organization or incorporation, or
(4) a combination of qualifying entities organized for a nonprofit purpose (e.g., partnership, joint venture or limited liability company) each member of which meets the requirements of (1), (2), or (3) above.
(i) The term “Senior Procurement Executive” means for:
(1) Department of Energy – Director, Office of Acquisition Management; and
(2) National Nuclear Security Administration – Associate Administrator for Acquisition and Project Management.