(a) The Contractor will commence Transition Activities as soon as possible after the award of the contract and complete the following activities (to the extent identified in the Contractor’s proposal) within 90 days after contract award, except as otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer. It is currently estimated that transition activities will be completed on December 31, 2024. After completion of these activities, and such other Transition Activities as may be authorized by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall advise the Contracting Officer that it is ready to assume full responsibility for the Laboratory. Upon receipt of written notification from the Contracting Officer that the Transition Activities are considered complete, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the Laboratory, effective 12:01 A.M., the next day.

Activities during transition include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Scientific Research. Complete the activities that will allow the Contractor to
assume control of FNAL’s scientific programs and facilities.

(2) Management Systems. Analyze and initiate enhancements, if needed, to the existing management systems {e.g., Finance, Property, Procurement, Human Resources, Information Management, Life Cycle Asset Management, Integrated Safety Management System (including the Environmental Management System)} to assure system adequacy.

(3) Assignment of Existing Agreements. Initiate and complete the planning to assume the responsibility for existing regulatory (e.g., environmental permits) and commercial agreements (e.g., subcontracts, purchase orders, etc.) to be assigned to the Contractor by the Incumbent Contractor, or otherwise taken over by the Contractor.

(4) Joint Reconciliation Property Inventory. Initiate and complete the planning for a joint reconciliation property inventory with the Incumbent Contractor, as stated in Section I Clauses entitled “DEAR 970.5244-1(k) – Contractor Purchasing System” and “DEAR 970.5245-1(i)(2)(ii) – Property”, in accordance with overall guidance provided by the Contracting Officer.

(5) Litigation Management. Contractor shall consult with the Incumbent Contractor and DOE to determine whether the Contractor should assume some level of management of any litigation resulting from laboratory operations predating the effective date of this contract. The decision should be based on consideration of cost efficiency, named parties and DOE litigation management regulations and guidelines.

(6) Human Resources

(A) The Contractor will transition the workforce without break in service as operations cease under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359.

(B) The Contractor will conduct work force planning, documented in the form of a plan, to be submitted to the Contracting Officer for review and approval at the end of the transition period. The Plan will identify critical-skills necessary to meet mission and contract requirements, provide a gap analysis, and outline the strategy for the recruitment and/or retention of those skills.

(C) If the Contractor intends to utilize “Joint Appointees”, determine how said “Joint Appointees” will be utilized; terms to be utilized; and a description of the reimbursement process to be negotiated with the appointees’ home organization(s).

(D) Review applicable collective bargaining agreements and initiate contact with the representatives of the various unions.

(E) Provide to the Contracting Officer for approval, the Contractor Employee Total Compensation Plan required under the Section H Clause entitled “Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits”, specifically addressing:

(i) The framework for the pension and health/welfare benefits applicable to the transferring workforce, with assessments in the form of a Benefit Value Study and Cost Comparison Survey, as described under the Section H Clause entitled “Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits”, demonstrating comparability of value and cost relative to the pension and benefits provided by the Incumbent Contractor (Fermi Research Alliance, FRA). Guidance on acceptable Benefit Value and Cost Comparison tools will be provided by the Contracting Officer.

(ii) The framework of the total compensation package applicable to new hires under the contract.

(F) Determine the strategy for meeting the requirements identified in Section H Clause entitled “Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits” pertaining to pensions.

(G) If desired, propose an incentive compensation strategy for “Key Personnel,” other management personnel, and other employees, as appropriate.
(H) Initiate the change in sponsorship of benefit programs, as applicable.

(I) Initiate analysis of workers’ compensation program relative to FNAL liabilities.

(b) Contractor agrees to perform the activities set forth in paragraph (a) above, including relocation of Contractor’s “Key Personnel,” as described in its Cost Proposal, at an allowable cost not to exceed $5,537,375. The Contractor’s transition costs shall be separately accounted for and maintained after the transition period. In the event the actual cost of said activities exceeds such amount, including any costs for relocation of Contractor’s “Key Personnel” incurred after the conclusion of the transition period, Contractor agrees that it will be solely responsible for costs greater than said amount.

(c) If the Contractor determines that it wishes to participate in the Department’s NonFederal Agreements for Commercializing Technology (ACT) program, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer its request with implementing procedures as early as possible to ensure continuity of the program.