Appendix I – DOE Orders and Notices for FFDG Prime Contract 89243024CSC000002:
MOD # |
O 142.3B Change 1 | Unclassified Foreign National Access Program | AWARD | |
O 144.1 Change 1 | Department of Energy American Indian Tribal Government Interactions and Policy | AWARD | |
O 150.1B | Continuity Programs | AWARD | |
O 151.1D Change 1 | Comprehensive Emergency Management System | AWARD | |
O 200.1A Change 2 | Information Technology Management | AWARD | |
O 205.1d | Department of Energy Cyber Security Program | AWARD | |
O 206.1A | Department of Energy Privacy Program | AWARD | |
O 206.2 Change 1 | Identity, Credential, and Access Management | AWARD | |
O 221.1B | Reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse to the Office the Inspector General | AWARD | |
O 225.1B | Accident Investigations | AWARD | |
O 221.2A | Cooperation with the Office of Inspector General | AWARD | |
O 226.1B Change 1 | Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy | AWARD | |
O 227.1A Change 1 | Independent Oversight Program | AWARD | |
O 231.1B Change 1 | Environmental Safety and Health Reporting | AWARD | |
O 232.2A Change 1 | Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information (Reporting for Informational Level Events is not required in the ORPS system. Notification to FSO is required) | AWARD | |
O 240.1 | Requesting Access to Electronic Records, Electronic Communications, and Access Control Records | AWARD | |
O 241.1B Change 1 | Scientific and Technical Information Management | AWARD | |
O 243.1C | Records Management Program | AWARD | |
O 251.1E | Departmental Directives Program | AWARD | |
O 252.1A Change 1 | Technical Standards Program | AWARD | |
O 313.1 | Management and Funding of the Departments Overseas Presence | AWARD | |
O 341.1A | Federal Employee Health Services | AWARD | |
O 350.1 Change 7 | Contractor Human Resource Management Programs | AWARD | |
O 410.2 Change 1 | Management of Nuclear Materials | AWARD | |
O 411.2 | Scientific Integrity | AWARD | |
O 412.1A Change 1 | Work Authorization System | AWARD | |
O 413.2C Change 1 | Laboratory Directed Research and Development | AWARD | |
O 413.3B Change 6 | Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. The Memorandum from S. Binkley (dated 8/2/2018) exempted Capital Asset Projects with a TPC under $50M from the requirements of this Order, and delegated responsibility for their successful delivery to the cognizant SC Laboratory Director. |
Laboratory Director. | |||
G 413.3-5A | U.S. Department of Energy Performance Baseline Guide | AWARD | |
G 413.3-7A | Risk Management Guide | AWARD | |
O 414.1D Change 2 | Quality Assurance | AWARD | |
O 420.1C Change 3 | Facility Safety Note (3): Change 2, Tailored Approach: Only the CRD (Attachment 1 to the Order) and Attachment 2, Chapters II and IV are applicable to Fermilab. The other chapters in Attachment 2 as well as Attachment 3 do not apply to the contract since they contain requirements for nuclear facilities and nuclear criticality hazards which do not exist at Fermilab. Additionally, items in Chapter II and Chapter IV of Attachment 2 are tailored as follows: Chapter II – The requirements in Section 3.c.(3)(a) regarding safety class and safety-significant systems is not applicable since there are no nuclear facilities at Fermilab. – The requirements in Section 3.e.(3)(b) and Section 3.e.(3)(d) regarding criticality safety are not applicable since there are no criticality hazards at Fermilab. – The requirement in Section 3.f.(1)(d) regarding nuclear safety basis documentation is not applicable since there are no nuclear facilities at Fermilab. Chapter IV – The requirements in Section 3.a. regarding safety-SSCs and nuclear safety basis documentation are not applicable since there are no nuclear facilities at Fermilab. – The requirements in Section 3.c.(1-2) regarding safety SSCs and the reference to safety-SSCs in Section 3.c are not applicable since there are no nuclear facilities at Fermilab. – The requirements in Section 3.d of Chapter IV of Attachment 2 are not applicable since there are no nuclear facilities at Fermilab. |
O 420.2D | Safety of Accelerator Facilities | AWARD | |
O 435.1 Change 2 | Radioactive Waste Management | AWARD | |
M 435.1-1 Change 3 | Radioactive Waste Management Manual | AWARD | |
O 436.1A | REMOVED | 3/6/2025 | Mod 012 |
O 440.2C Change 3 | Aviation Management and Safety | AWARD | |
O 442.1B | DOE Employee Concerns Program | AWARD | |
O 442.2 Change 1 | Differing Professional Opinions for Technical Issues Involving Environment, Safety and Health Technical Concerns | AWARD | |
O 443.1C | Protection of Human Research Subjects | AWARD | |
O 450.2 Change 1 | Integrated Safety Management | AWARD | |
O 458.1 Change 4 | Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment | AWARD | |
O 460.1D Change 1 | Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Safety | AWARD | |
O 460.2B | Departmental Materials Transportation and Packaging Management | AWARD | |
O 462.1 Change 1 | Import and Export of Category 1 and 2 Radioactive Sources and Aggregated Quantities | AWARD | |
O 470.3C Change 1 | Design Basis Threat (DBT) Order | AWARD | |
O 470.4B Change 3 | Safeguards and Security Program | AWARD | |
O 470.5 | Insider Threat | AWARD | |
O 471.7 | Controlled Unclassified Information | AWARD | |
O 472.2A | Personnel Security | AWARD | |
O 473.1A | Physical Protection Program | AWARD | |
O 473.2A | Protective Force Operations | AWARD | |
O 474.2A Change 1 | Nuclear Material Control and Accountability | AWARD | |
O 475.1 | Counterintelligence | AWARD | |
O 481.1E Change 1 | Strategic Partnership Projects (Formerly Known as Work for Others (Non-Department of Energy Funded Work) | AWARD | |
O 483.1B Change 2 | DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements | AWARD | |
O 484.1 Change 3 | Reimbursable Work for the Department of Homeland Security | AWARD | |
O 486.1A | Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities | AWARD | |
O 520.1B Change 1 | Financial Management and Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities | AWARD | |
O 522.1A | Pricing of Departmental Materials and Services | AWARD | |
O 544.1A | Priorities and Allocations Program | AWARD | |
O 550.1 Change 1 | Official Travel | AWARD | |
Std. 1090-2011 | Hoisting and Rigging Standard | AWARD | |
Std. 1196-2021 | Derived Concentration Technical Standard | AWARD |